I'd spend my holidays in Bieszczady mountains, South Poland this late Spring. I'd met a lot of interesting insects there. Could you help me to identify them? What insect is it?
Your specimen is a stonefly, It belongs to the order Plecoptera. The nymphs (technically, "naiads") are aquatic and live in the benthic zone of well-oxygenated lakes and streams. I do not know the fauna of Poland so I can not ID to species level.
Your specimen is a stonefly, It belongs to the order Plecoptera. The nymphs (technically, "naiads") are aquatic and live in the benthic zone of well-oxygenated lakes and streams. I do not know the fauna of Poland so I can not ID to species level.
Dear Barbara, it is a stonefly (Plecoptera), an Orthopteroid insect. I am not an expert on it but searching the image in the Insects of the World by Anthony Wootton (1984) which I have in my possession, I came to the same conclusion and your specimen just might belong to the Genus Perla.
Thanks a lot. Order: Plecoptera Superfamily: Pteronarcyoidea Family: Peltoperlidae Genus: Sierraperla (image I've found at wiki) seems to be pretty similar, indeed (though there are significant differences).
Please also check it as Perla grandis, which has been reported from mountain streams in several European countries including Poland. Please have a look at this useful ResearchGate link.
Article Historic and current distribution of an endangered stonefly ...
Веснянка велика — один з кількох десятків видів голарктичного роду, один з 4 видів роду у фауні України. Вперше вид описав Джованні Скополі, давши йому назву maxima, що в перекладі значить «найбільша». Прийнята зараз назва marginata була дана Георгом Панцером і в перекладі означає «облямована».
From A comparison between local emergence patterns of Perla grandis and Perla marginata (Plecoptera, Perlidae) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10750-008-9359-3 by Stefano Fenoglio, Tiziano Bo, José Manuel Tierno de Figueroa, Manuel Jesus López-Rodríguez and Giorgio Malacarne I conclude that these are two differet Systellognatha stoneflies this time ;-)
Perla marginata and P. grandis (Plecoptera: Perlidae):
P. grandis by Piotr Żogała https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_0JJCEh-uI
Perla marginata by Josef Dvořák https://www.biolib.cz/en/image/id328117/