Over the past two decades or more, much has been learned about the PFC, but many people do not seem to have incorporated this new knowledge into their philosophy of human life.
I am disheartened that no one has responded to this question. My main disappointment is that apparently few members of ResearchGate have devoted much time to incorporating much of the recent neuroscience findings into a systems view of the brain, especially the PFC, and how it affects our personalities, our self-perception, the perception and interpretation of the behavior and attitudes of others. And, most importantly, how our newly acquired knowledge of the brain can be applied to help solve the myriad of global problems facing our world today and in the future.
An interesting article I just came across with a Google Search was at LammeNeuroscience.pdf. His article is titled: "Can Neuroscience reveal the true nature of consciousness?" It takes a revolutionary, science -based approach to understanding consciousness
I'm sorry that a server error wiped out my website for my writings and there's a problem even with Amazon - but my book "Neurotheology: Virtual Religion in the 21st Century" (you can Google it) blames everything on the neocortex. Starting with the fact that it doesn't start really working until you are about 2 1/2, in humans it acquired the ability only recently - about 75,000 years ago - to organize conscious memory into a chronological framework - the same way it kept us on target with recalled images that would pull us forward to a certain fruit tree if we were a primate. This had two effects, it created a "future" mirror image - and the constant collections of images resulted in constants eventually falling out - "red" - creating an "abstract engine" - and there we have human consciousness. If chimpanzees had a conscious chronological memory they would have started gardening long ago - we're the only ones, but of course we project with our own information to unique futures from unique pasts, and with the ability to abstract came the ability to plan and predict - we wiped out the Neanderthals in about 30,000 year, wiped out the last to the Homo Erectus in Asia, drove south from the Levant (where it happened) (also why no Neanderthal DNA in Africans) - hopped across to Australia and ate everything bigger than a kangaroo in about 10,000 years, crossed the land bridge and munched through North America eating up the mastodons. The lack of a :"beginning" means we can't predict an end - so a reason appears for religion - but in normal brain death, the prefrontals go first, releasing us from time, and the gradual simplification diffuses our consciousness into eternity - which we call "going to heaven". It's all PFC!