No, I do not think so especially plants which are sensitive to photoperiod for flowering. However, please consult with a person in a tissue culture laboratory.
I am not sure about small plants regenerated in tissue culture lab.
Let's take a simple view of this I.e leaving out the photoperiodic intervals. So simply put at normal light the plant photo synthesizes I.e light photosynthesis in which the plant is making food. In the night or during dark conditions it stores this food in its various sinks. Therefore overstaying the plant in constant light constrains it to the extent they it does not store food in form of ATP which is essential for it to manufacture more food....relate to the C3 and C4 cyclic cycles in plants.
We keep our banana collection already for 20 years on continuous light and it still looks perfect. In fact, in vitro plant hardly photosynthetise; they are saturated by the sucrose in the medium.
Yap the plants probably had no real direct problem with it because they still can do their synthetized (photosynthesis), but of course that will no dark cycle and no product from this cycle,, but i think light cycle and dark cycle is better than one of it
but i think my statement will different when condition is in vitro *maybe
Most plant species will grow fine under continuous light, although some (e.g. tomato) cannot. If the species is photoperiodic, flowering will obviously be affected. Not sure if it matters whether the plant are in vitro or in vivo.
dark cycle and light cycle is one schematic to produce glucose, i think my first statement is in correct
i think that was no real problem since dark cycle could works in full of light condition, as long as the wave lenght and light intensity set to adjustable for plants to life and not make the plants DNA damaged it no such problem
From different angle, I wish to attract the attention for the fact of the day length on the development of the plants so, it may help. Day length is a key factor in the development of many crops. For example, Soybean plant needs 14 h of light during the flowering period to produce an acceptable yield. The life span will be shorter and the yield will be poor if the day's length goes less.
If the plant was grown under constant illumination, it may grow very quickly at first, and then became exhausted, and almost no growth will be observed, this is what happened in Nostoc sphaeroides.
Hi there, most plants would be fine with continuous light. Rose yield, for instance, can even be increased by using continuous light. Be aware, however, that there are some remarkable exceptions!
Tomatoes are very sensitive to continuous light. They even can die from the continuous light-induced injuries (chlorosis and necrosis). Some potato cultivars, eggplant and petunias are also a bit sensitive to continuous light. The degree of injury is affected by light intensity an the light quality. My coauthors and I published a review a couple of year ago in the topic. It can be found here:
Again, plant reaction to light depends on genotype and life cycle. Rapid-cycling brassicas need 24h light for fastest seed propagation. All plants of Russian and Scandinavian North, North of Canada, Alaska live at 24h light at summer time.
just one little aspect to add. Think of plants (an algae) living at high latitudes, they will experience prolonged periods of constant light and do well with it. This is thus not only a lab feature but also a natural phenomenon.
The effect of continous lightning on photosynthesis depression is specific. In all plant that operationally accumulate starch in chloroplasts, even in the afternoon it has been measured a fall in photosynthetic rate. You can well build up a lethal response if strong light is added continously. Tom Sharkey but also Seeman, Berry, Flore described several cases in Plant Physiology, JASHS and PNAS from 85 to 95. This has been called end product limitation, EPL, and it is due to lack of phosphate recycling from chloroplasts stroma. Some tree can be affected by even by fruit removal and in this case it has been put in evidence a sink limitation. The common symptom is a gas exchange that is insensitive to CO2 level and Farquhar model incorporates this possibility. Specificity of EPL arises from the fact that sugar alcools can be efficient photosynthetic transporters and do not polymerize or subtract phosphate. Mannitol sorbitol galactitol and myoinositol are represented in fixation products of labelled CO2 in many plants and algae in a system that is in parallel to sucroseP photosynthesis, but not in all species. Possibly the lack of escape routes leads to CL sensitivity
In old Russian literature (1940'-1950') there are decriptions of continuous growth of Betula pendula under constant light. At least some populations of this species grow in such conditions for weeks in northern Scandinavia and northern Russia.
I'm totally agree with @Guido_Bongi and wanna add a point regarding the role of circadian clock in atuning physiological aspects of plants. In fact, circadian clock matches the plants physiological behaviour with day-night 24-h cycle via an internal oscillator. When plants grow under CL, the entertainment of this 24h cycle will differentiate the internal osilator's regulation and cause further consequences. To study in-deep about this issue I recommend @Aaron I. Velez-Ramirez papers
In my opinion, ideally, plants have two types of photosynthetic reactions viz. light reaction and light independent reaction. So dark is not necessary for photosynthesis. But the provided light should be the in-tolerable range of the plant type. So the plant can survive during continuous illumination. As we know there are always some light-sensitive plants that can not survive, for instance, family Solanaceae and many.