12 December 2012 1 4K Report

I am researching online courses and what features are needed to promote effective learning and to engage the students

The features I am looking at are things such as the topic, students say that an interesting topic is needed but how can we predict what will be interesting? If the topic is constrained by the needs of the course how can we make it more interesting? How can we even define interesting? Should the questions be short and allow a flexible interpretation or longer and more focused. If there is a certain level of knowledge required how can we encourage students to engage with that knowledge. Should the gaining knowledge be prior to the discussion or during. Even the quickest of surveys of the questions on this site shows that there are many styles of questions and the number of responses to each question can vary greatly. I am sure there are a number of other features that need to be considered.

Article Design and Pedagogy Features in Online Courses: A survey

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