As a part of architectural transformation in Post-Modernism, the term of ‘’Responsive Architecture’’ emerged. I like to know the characteristic and examples of such trend.
Responsive Architecture should response to environment via passive systems firstly, then to intelligent technologies via using active systems Secondly.
La base del diseño paramétrico es la generación de geometría a partir de la definición de una familia de parámetros iniciales y la programación de las relaciones formales que guardan entre ellos. Consiste en la utilización de variables y algoritmos para generar un árbol de relaciones matemáticas y geométricas que permitan no sólo llegar a un diseño, sino generar todo el rango de posibles soluciones que la variabilidad de los parámetros iniciales nos permitan.
" Responsive architecture is an evolving field of architectural practice and research. Responsive architectures are those that measure actual environmental conditions (via sensors) to enable buildings to adapt their form, shape, color or character responsively (via actuators).
Responsive architectures aim to refine and extend the discipline of architecture by improving the energy performance of buildings with responsive technologies (sensors / control systems / actuators) while also producing buildings that reflect the technological and cultural conditions of our time.
Responsive architectures distinguish themselves from other forms of interactive design by incorporating intelligent and responsive technologies into the core elements of a building's fabric. For example: by incorporating responsive technologies into the structural systems of buildings architects have the ability to tie the shape of a building directly to its environment. This enables architects to reconsider the way they design and construct space while striving to advance the discipline rather than applying patchworks of intelligent technologies to an existing vision of "building"
"RESPONSIVE ARCHITECTURE: When Technology meets Architecture.
Responsive Architecture can be said to be an architectural approach that enables architectural design solutions to blend, adapt, and adjust flexibly to weather conditions, environmental factors, cultural condition of time and changes in the needs of the user by using suitable technology
When Architectural solution is needed to be able to
adjust and change in function based on human influence and attribution by the use of technology then responsive architecture becomes the suitable approach"
Responsive Architecture should response to environment via passive systems firstly, then to intelligent technologies via using active systems Secondly.
Responsive architectures aim to refine and extend the discipline of architecture by improving the energy performance of buildings with responsive technologies (sensors / control systems / actuators) while also producing buildings that reflect the technological and cultural conditions of our time.
Responsive architectures distinguish themselves from other forms of interactive design by incorporating intelligent and responsive technologies into the core elements of a building's fabric.
الهندسة المعمارية المتجاوبة هي مجال متطور للممارسة والأبحاث المعمارية. الهندسة المعمارية المستجيبة هي تلك التي تقيس الظروف البيئية الفعلية (عبر أجهزة الاستشعار) لتمكين المباني من تكييف شكلها أو شكلها أو لونها أو طابعها بشكل متجاوب