In some countries the final exam at Universities are mandatory, while other universities give full credit to students who have the score higher than 50 for the subject.
Dear Soultana, thank you very much. Nowadays, we are working on the rules if we need final exam or not for getting ECTS credit. I think that having final exam is necessary to give ECTS credit, But also, it is very interesting, whether we need at least half of full (50%) score to pass the final exam?
Many academics (including me) assign projects to the students which projects usually account for up to 40% of the final grade. The projects are optional since there are many students who work and can't carry them out but it seems that it is a measure that helps them pass the course so they like it.
Dear Soultana, very interesting structure. I think that giving such project will give an opportunity to motivate students and gain experience and skills. It should be taken into account in grading system.