Remark 3.1. Note that if the estimate of the maximum brightness temperature given in [19], is closer to actual values, it would imply Tb;int = 5×1013K. This is difficult to reconcile with current incoherent synchrotron emission models from relativistic electrons, requiring alternative models such as emission from relativistic protons. Remark 3.2. However the proton, as we know, is 1836 times heavier than an electron and absolutely huge energy is required to accelerated it to sublight speed.We argue that these alternative models such as emission from relativistic protons can be suported by semiclassical gravity effect finds its roots in the singular behavior of quantum fields on curved distributional spacetimes presented by rotating gravitational singularities [1], [6]
Article Novel explanation of the Active Galactic Nuclei. The Power S...
I. BASIC NOTIONS OF COLOMBEAU GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS AND COLOMBEAU GENERALIZED NUMBERS In contemporary mathematics, the Colombeau algebra of Colombeau generalized functions is a certain kind algebra that contains the space of Schwartz distributions, D0 Rn ð Þ. While, in classical distribution theory, a general multiplication of distributions is not possible, and Colombeau algebras1–8 provides a rigorous framework for this. Remark 1. The multiplication of distributions has long been mistakenly believed to be impossible because of Schwartz’s impossibility result, which basically states that there cannot be a differential algebra containing the space of distributions and preserving the product of continuous functions. However, if one only wants to preserve the product of smooth functions instead such a construction becomes possible, as first demonstrated by Colombeau.