Choosing the right university to pursue post-graduate is extremely important. What specific criteria to keep in mind when choosing a university to pursue post-graduate studies?
Availability of specialty of interest, plan of study, faculty members, funding grants, scholarship and financial support, university/department reputation, surroundings (i.e., city, weather conditions, etc.).
I have looked mainly for the ability to self-direct my studies while having access to consultation at my discretion with committee members who are familiar with the path of studies I have chosen. Ideally also, evaluation of the work would be limited to the committee and not undertaken by others who have no expertise in the underlying field of study.
Name (i.e., good reputation especially education wise) of the university is the most important thing I look for. Then, come other things such as tuition fees, distance, cost of living, etc.
I think we should separate the postgraduate studies in Lato Senso (“strict sense”) and Stricto Senso (“broad sense”).
Lato Senso is an extension of knowledge in a given area just to help the professional in your area with a specialization. Little comprehensive.
Stricto Senso is a training in scientific research with the purpose of developing a researcher, whose experience goes far beyond graduation and specialization. Allowing the student to know and become a researcher in an area of knowledge and science. Very comprehensive.
And university to do will depend on what you want to do?
Lato Senso or Stricto Senso?
I will comment only on Scricto Senso: It is difficult to decide, because at this level of knowledge many universities are well regarded and carry out serious research. You should check out labs, teachers' curricula, research history, opinion of alumni, and your empathy for institution.
Availability of specialty of interest, plan of study, faculty members, funding grants, scholarship and financial support, university/department reputation, surroundings (i.e., city, weather conditions, etc.).
Ranking and Reputation of University , funding grants, scholarships, tuition fee, and cost of living, all of it is important for get post graduate study.
1. Pool of experts in your chosen field. 2. Scholarship. 3. Availability of facilities and equipments for laboratory and field activities. 4. Diversity of environment as well as classmates. 5. Beautiful places to visit once you're already stress.
First of all, I look for the availability of the programme I intend to pursue, Cost of the programme, availability of scholarships and credibility of the university in the face of international community.