This issue is one of the few simple algorithms responsible for the business success of the Google search engine. On the one hand, it is a significant facilitation for users using the Google search engine. On the other hand, the auto-complete function of the password entered in the search box influences the results of Google Trends analytics by reinforcing certain more popular terms, more popular at a specific time, when certain events are broadcasted in various other news media. Building a set of autocomplete data for queries formulated by users of the search engine in the Big Data system of the Google search engine is carried out through an algorithm that proposes to users to auto-complete the entered keyword or phrase based on previously, most frequently entered similar terms or phrases. This algorithm is based on the statistical modeling function of suggested similar terms and phrases, i.e. considered similar in terms of the subject matter, language used, phraseology, the range of time of functioning of specific problems and events, etc.
Basically, When you start typing in Google's search box, the computer predicts potential search queries and displays a drop-down list of similar terms and phrases. The search predictions are based on characteristics such as popularity and freshness, and they will display: the terms you are entering.