02 February 2014 11 6K Report


I believe I have synthesized a good quantity of lithium ethylene dicarbonate salt (LEDC), using a slight variant of the Tarascon method, used by Kang Xu, et al., (Xu, K., Lam, Y., Zhang, S.S., Jow, T.R., Curtis, T.B. J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111,


It is an incredibly fine powder and produced almost no diffractive resolution whatsoever. I confirmed this by shipping it to BM-11 at the APS at Argonne.

I also tried to grow both sing. xtal as well as generate polycrystalline sample, and I believe that I have succeeded. I used the VD, as well as the hot-cold methods.

The issue, it seems, remains a diffractive one. We mounted the sing. xtal in a loop using mineral oil but did not get a diffraction pattern. This appears to leave us with one of two possibilities: 1) it's not a crystal or 2) something silly is going on with either the mounting, positioning or XRD. I suspect it's the latter, b/z under microscopy, it does appear we have grown xtal.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and I direct this question to Dr. Ravi Ananth.

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