"Usually, the Radiation Boundary Condition (ABC):

• Absorption achieved via 2nd order radiation boundary

• Place at least λ/4 from strongly radiating structure

• Place at least λ/10 from weakly radiating structure

• The radiation boundary will reflect varying amounts of energy depending on the incidence angle. The best performance is achieved at normal incidence. Avoid angles greater then ~30 degrees."

1. What can be the extended size (the frequency corresponding to the λ to be chosen) of the radiation box in HFSS, for a      

i) resonant/narrow band antenna? 

ii) wideband and UWB antenna?

iii) Multiband antenna?

2. What is the strongly radiating surface and weakly radiating surface for a patch antenna structure?

3. Is there any relation between the freq. corresponding to the λ, solution frequency and start and stop sweep frequencies?

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