' Collaborating with the Enemy: How to Work with People You Don’t Agree with or like or trust'. it is not on my shelf yet but it is on my must read list.
Mostly about world ancient history! Most of my writing is on numerical methods applications in geotechnical engineering. Also, I do read on-line about new developments in my area. I am new user of RG.
' Collaborating with the Enemy: How to Work with People You Don’t Agree with or like or trust'. it is not on my shelf yet but it is on my must read list.
I have an interest of books right from the college career ,immediately i started my career my conscious has advice me to keep a track of a liking book & purchase the same every month if time permits . I have follow this practice & within 25 to 30 years of my i have a good collection book of my liking from the literature to biography ,Astrology ,religion , philosophy , psychology , Management , & such other subject .
With this with my senior position in the service this interest have placed me as a writer by publishing a magazine of my own of my liking subject & in the science of Astrology it has help me to place me on the national level . At my retirement life i have a time to write article of my taste .