11 November 2015 11 8K Report

As most ResearchGaters are probably aware, at a conference earlier this year Nobel-winning biologist Sir Tim Hunt remarked that when "girls" are present in a research laboratory "you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticise them they cry".

The repercussions of this careless, off-the-cuff remark for which Sir Tim promptly apologised have been drastic.  He was forced to resign from his professorship at University College London, Britain's Royal Society denounced their Fellow publicly and he has been shunned by almost all the scientific community.  A lifetime of distinguished creative science has been disgraced.

This would appear to be a matter of both interest and concern to the 8 million researchers including 45 Nobel laureates that are part of this forum according to the ResearchGate website.  Yet RG says it has "no knowledge of this particular topic being currently discussed."

Are we all so busy, self-centred or cowed (as Kant might claim) by the twitting masses that we are indifferent to a colleague's plight?  Or are we so politically correct that we actually approve of how one of us has been treated?

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