Iraq is witnessing mass demonstrations of all classes and provinces because of the deterioration of services and the economic, social, educational and health situation. What are your proposals to solve this crisis in all respects?
A politically unitary constitution should be reverted. Socially, people should not distinguish between language, religion and race. A common order should be created through the differences of people. A production-based economy should be adopted. An education model that can provide equal, free and quality education to everyone should be adopted.
A politically unitary constitution should be reverted. Socially, people should not distinguish between language, religion and race. A common order should be created through the differences of people. A production-based economy should be adopted. An education model that can provide equal, free and quality education to everyone should be adopted.
Crisis can be resolved through dedication, selfless devotion and willingness to work for their people tirelessly, as one generation has to sacrifice their comforts to combat devastation of such magnitude. Miracle is in the hands of people, it resides inside us (let us not die that flame of hope; and work, work, until, we achieve prosperity and progress), it will not come from outside, there is no instant and easy recipe......
In my opinion, Iraq's dilemma can be solved by properly informing, and informing people about the problems created by honesty and self-sacrifice. Increase the economic and political security of the people who have been harmed
Iraq once boasted of an excellent educational system, but it remains neglected and poorly funded. The education, reconstruction and health sectors receive around 8 percent of the budget. Millions of Iraqi children do not attend school or are destined to perpetual unemployment. Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim, a revered religious and political figure, has rebuilt his movement around the young by allowing them greater opportunities for political participation and such solutions within may assist