This is certainly not Astragalus cicer. It is very likely, that this belongs to Astragalus, but I suppose, species identication of these photos is not possible. There are too many details required for identification, e.g. hair types, stipules, that are not visible.
Second plant - without flowers it will be extremely difficult for anyone to help you get much closer to the species. There are so many that look so similar it will be a guess as to species. Can you GPS the location and return to it a few times as it matures? Or is there one you could transplant and grow out until it blooms? Either of those methods should get you a much better answer.
1st. species. Astragalus sect. Alopecuroidei DC.? Karamian and Ranjbar (2005)prepared a key to yellow flowered species of Astragalus (see DOI 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2005.00366.x)
2nd. species. Papaver somniferum or a related big leaved poppy?