We are looking for good practice across the world on this.

We are:

Auditing, mapping existing practice with a view to sharing an EfS integrated and cross-curricular narrative with our beginning teachers;

Identifying gaps in current provision

Debating how it can be articulated as a priority 'lens' for our collective work;

Seeking to model in an ITE context how schools might address EfS as a cross-curricular priority;

Debating whether to include a specific, compulsory unit on EfS in our program or encourage 'elective' unit pick ups;

Considering the implications/opportunities of forthcoming program design revisions for EfS;

Thinking about the implications for our programs of the UN Sustainable Development Goals;

Bringing together an interested team of colleagues (across different disciplines and programs).

Any advice from colleagues who have travelled a comparable pathway recently and successfully challenged status quo practices around more explicitly acknowledging the Anthropocene?

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