While doing the reliability testing/quality assurance (QA) of CMOS devices, what can be the various reasons based on which the CMOS transistor can be rejected or disqualified?
Thanks Aparna, although your answer provided me quite good information but I asked that on which grounds/reasons we can say that the CMOS device/transistor is failed or rejectable.
QA/Reliability characterization of transistors (MOSFET) is done under stress with rejection criteria based on many factors, including the reduction in drive strength at a given gate voltage, or a shift in the threshold voltage (from hot carrier and bias instability effects), gate leakage (as a precursor to gate oxide breakdown) are a few of them main ones. Typically the transistors are stressed at increased voltage and temperature and I-V characteristics obtained from time-to-time during the stress are compared with the original (unstressed) I-V characertistics.