As I am working at the bureau of statistics, it is very important to report data and information in a standard format. I would appreciate if you sharing your knowledge or suggest any references related to this subject.
If you are working in an official bureau of statistics, they should be following a specific dissemination standard. However, I think the most widely used and of highest standard is the International Monetary Fund's Special Data Dissemination Standard. For more details follow this link : . Hope this helps.
You are addressing two main issues as far as I can see: how to report data and how to disseminate data underlying those publications. Most statistical offices in Europe offer publications with tabulated data as well as census data files. You might want to check out the "Data without boundaries" project which tries to foster easy access to official microdata in Europe:
As a mater of fact, I want to know if there is any standard structure for REPORTING statistical outcomes.
For example I know it is better not to use vertical lines in the scientific tables as much as possible when we report our information but I like to find more about the standard formats of graphs, tables, .....
The best standard and popular method for developing tables and figures in the field of social science and even in health sciences is "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition". You can find how draw tables and insert title and footnotes in this book.
@Behnaz Behroozi Sua pergunta é bastante oportuna e penso que vários aqui indicaram boas fontes para você pesquisar. Compartilho da sua dúvida já que também tenho que divulgar resultados de avaliações educacionais para públicos bastante distintos e com graus de informação, níveis de escolaridade (em muitos casos com poucos anos de escolaridade no caso de pais de alunos, por exemplo). Então, algumas vezes é bastante difícil compartilhar e divulgar dados estatísticos para determinadas pessoas, em virtude do que falei acima.
Penso que em primeiro lugar devemos examinar quem serão nossos interlocutores nesse processo de divulgação.
As vezes, temos que resumir os dados de forma bastante acessível, e as tabelas estatísticas da forma como são elaboradas, as vezes (para determinadas pessoas) pode parecer um tanto mais complexo do que é, na verdade. Caso esteja falando de divulgação científica, penso que os colegas já deram boas indicações nos posts anteriores.
@ Behnaz Behroozi Your question is very timely and I think several colleagues here indicated good sources for you to research. I share your doubt since also have to disclose the results of educational assessments for public and very different levels of information, education levels (in many cases with few years of schooling in the case of parents of students, for example). So it is sometimes very difficult to share and disseminate statistical data for certain people, because of what I said above.
I think we must first examine who will be our partners in this process of disclosure.
Sometimes, we have to summarize the data in a very accessible, and statistical tables the way they are prepared, sometimes (for some people) may seem somewhat more complex than it is actually. If you are talking about science communication, I think that my colleagues have already given good directions in previous posts.