What are the best qualifications for teaching applied ethics -i.e. Media Ethics, Business Ethics, Computer Ethics- a Ph. D. in philosophy; a Ph. D. in the field (Media, Bussines, Computer Science) , or another choice e.g. team-teaching?
Qualification is a man made notion. Generally, such people decide about teaching ethics who have nothing to do with ethics. Applied ethics should be taught by specialists – honourable people – with a long and correct career in the given field who proved their suitability with their life.
An instructor's credibility as teacher of applied ethics is greatest when the instructor models ethical conduct,this way tutors reflect what they teach.
Dear @Jesus, I think that the best qualification for teaching applied ethics is having sense, ethics, and commitment regardless of the degree background.
Qualification is a man made notion. Generally, such people decide about teaching ethics who have nothing to do with ethics. Applied ethics should be taught by specialists – honourable people – with a long and correct career in the given field who proved their suitability with their life.
Qualifications may be important but they focus more on disciplinary knowledge, which may or may not be conducive to the comprehension, appreciation and teaching of ethics. I would also think that ethics cannot be directly taught, as in just instructing students about their moral duties (because these may be dependent on cultural perceptions and subjective interpretations) but rather best designed around PBL (problem-based learning) approaches that require experiential understanding and decision-making processes based on interpretive and ethical concerns.
Such things are best facilitated by specialists who may specialize in any discipline, but have had extensive experience with people, places, situations, and cultures. Someone who leads by example, and is or comes close to being a naturally inspirational figure who practices what s/he preaches.
I think the most important issue is, to define this and transparent the meaning of what is applied sience?
of course, there is a scientific problem with appling to moral theories to solve particular topics in applied ethics. furthermore, there should be several theories. in this aspect, applied ethics have been seen as applying a moral theory to particular cases.
I believe ethics should be taught by business ethics honourable people who proven they are good examples in the community, and who have good career in the domain.
@ Mahfuz Judeh is right; business is a vibrant field and has more resources to be handled, ethical handling requires balanced mature orientation and comes through hard way learning and meticulous follow up of principle of natural Justice...Only then sustainability of enterprises come to existence..