3% Acetic Acid Acetic acid 3.0 ml Distilled water 97.0 ml Stir together. Stable at room temperature for months.
Alcian Blue, pH 2.5 Alcian blue 1.0 g 3% acetic acid 100.0 ml
Thymol crystals Dissolve alcian blue in acetic acid. Check pH; adjust the pH as needed using acetic acid to pH 2.5. Add a few crystals of thymol to prevent mold growth. Solution is stable at room temperature for months and may be reused until weak.
Mayer Hematoxylin: Commercially made
0.25% Hydrochloric Acid Hydrochloric acid 2.5 ml Distilled water 997.5 ml Carefully add hydrochloric acid to the distilled water slowly. Stable at room temperature for months.
0.25% Ammonia Water Ammonium hydroxide 1.0 ml Distilled water 250.0 ml Slowly add ammonium hydroxide to distilled water. Use for one day only.
Eosin: Commercially made
0.25% Metanil Yellow Metanil yellow 0.25 g Distilled water 100.0 ml Glacial acetic acid 0.25 ml Mix together well. Stable at room temperature for up to one year.
1. Deparaffinize and bring sections to water
2. Stain with Alcian Blue, pH 2.5 solution15 minutes
3. Wash well with water
4. Stain in Mayer Hematoxylin *4 minutes
5. Rinse in running water, several changes
6. Differentiate in 0.25% hydrochloric acid 2-3 second
7. Rinse in running water, several changes
8. Blue in 0.25% ammonia water2 -3 seconds
9. Rinse well in running water, several changes
10. Place in 70% ethanol1 minute
11. Stain with Eosin Solution1 minute
12. Dehydrate in 95% ethanol30-60 seconds
13. Dehydrate in 100% ethanol, two changes30 seconds each
14. Place in Metanil Yellow solution**1 minute
15. Rinse with ethanol, 2 changes10 dips each
16. Clear with xylene, 3 changes2 minutes each
17. Mount in a resinous medium
*For automated stainers, run a program on the stainer that takes the slides from water, through your routine H&E and stops at the second change of absolute ethanol.
** Timing of the Metanil Yellow is critical. If stained for too long, increased background staining will occur.
Results: Nuclei - blue Cytoplasm - pink-red Mucin – Turquoise for Barrett’s Esophagus Goblet Cells (some gastric mucin will stain a faint blue) Collagen - yellow Smooth muscle - salmon
You can find my H&E protocol and other options in the next question: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Does_anyone_have_detailed_protocol_for_H_E_staining
Alcian Blue protocol is this https://webpath.med.utah.edu/HISTHTML/MANUALS/ALCIAN.PDF
I use this protocol:
Deparaffinize and hydrate to distilled water.
30 minutes AB
Wash in running tap water, rinse in distilled.
Hematoxylin, 3 minutes (according Hematoxylin type) (Or you can use Nuclear Fast Red).
Wash in running tap water.
Also, you could try AB-PAS. I use this protocol:
Deparaffinize and hydrate to distilled water.
30 minutes AB
Wash in running tap water, rinse in distilled.
Periodic acid, 10 minutes.
Rinse in distilled water.
Schiff's reagent, 3-6 minutes
Wash in running tap water, rinse in distilled.
Hematoxylin, 3 minutes, wash in water.
Wash in running tap water.
You might adjust the times according the tissue and solutions.