09 September 2019 8 3K Report

As a finance-majored student myself, thinking that having a Master degree holder in finance is just isn't enough. I am specially interested in research but at the same time, interested in anything related to big data and how it affects and applicable to the finance industry. And so I figured that learning basic data analysis in research e.g. running regressions in Eviews, Stata etc, seems like a tiny fish just knowing how to swim in the ocean knowing there are bigger demand of data analyzing skills that I need to master. The article "Teaching programming skills to finance students:how to design and teach a great course" written by Yuxing (2017) has urged the finance-major students to master at least one programming language. Thus, I am keen to inquire from the perspective of finance-majored researchers as well as the practitioners, what are the programming skills that a finance-majored student should master e.g. R, Python, SQL, SAS etc? Is learning via online free courses sufficient to master the applications of these programming skills?

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