The starting point of thermodynamic logic is: 1) opposing perpetual motion. 2) The irreversibility of dynamics. Let's look at how to get Carnot efficiency = 1-T1/T2.
1.1 There are many kinds of type 2 perpetual motors, each of which is a natural phenomenon.
A) Machine A: against the irreversibility of thermodynamics (diffusion, heat conduction, friction, etc) - dynamics;
B) Machine B: Utilizing the Difference of Carnot Efficiency (Reversible Thermodynamics) - Thermodynamics
1.2 A and B belong to different disciplines. There is a parallel relationship between them and there is no logical mutual inevitability.
1.3. Logic of the Second Law of Thermodynamics:
Experience induction, deny that A machine==> B machine can not be manufactured==> All material Kano efficiency: 1-T1/T2.
1.4 The logic of the second law of thermodynamics violates the physical logic that A and B cannot be inferred from each other.
1.5 The second law of thermodynamics elevates the "irreversibility", which is in fact only a kinetic experience.
📷 Detailed discussion can be found in the following figure.
1. The second law of thermodynamics loses the ability of quantitative prediction.
2. Data processing method of law 2 of thermodynamics violates scientific discipline: modifying experimental data to satisfy theory
See the picture for details.
3. The second law of thermodynamics can only be called science if it reaches the same quantitative prediction ability as Newton's second law, otherwise it is pseudoscience.
List all daily activities that created pollution in the air. Most of the above are not realized by people, they think they are "normal" activities.
However, when multiplied by thousands and millions of others they create a problem. This is what is happening, not too many people know the pollution they cause by their daily activities. Basically they act like "environment-destroyers" and they want to survive!
Global warming and the associated climate change can be analyzed statistically by examining the scientific data that are available.
A key aspect of climate change that is created through the burning of fossil fuels is the creation of markets for pricing and imposition of government taxes on carbon emissions.
In the context of the above considerations, the following question is also current:
How should the systems of nature protection and biodiversity of natural ecosystems be dispersed in order to increase the effectiveness of these systems and reduce the scale of degradation of the natural environment?
Therefore, in the context of the above considerations, the following important question appears:
What do you think should be improved in nature conservation systems and biodiversity of natural ecosystems in addition to just increasing financial outlays on nature conservation policies conducted by government agencies and ministries of the environment?
A significant part of financial expenditures of nature conservation and biodiversity policy is devoted to the promotion of nature protection and natural environment protection issues. However, the effectiveness of this type of promotional campaigns is low, because without applying legal restrictions, enterprises do not change their technologies to be more ecological if they do not see in this business realized in a short time.
Even the occasional UN climate summits in which government representatives from the majority of countries take part do not cause significant real changes in the policy of nature protection and biodiversity?
Usually, the largest industrial economies in the world do not sign the obligations of rapid reduction of greenhouse gases and the issue of increasing spending on environmental innovation in the energy sector.
In the context of the progressive warming of the Earth's climate, the following question is of particular importance:
Why, despite the growing scale of public awareness, there is no significant improvement in the implementation of nature conservation and biodiversity policy, there are no real measures that would result in a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the slowing of the global warming process?
The reserach of climate change is higly politicized and used as a finacial and political tool. Therefore, research nowadays is far from objective. In order to focus on the worlds real problems science should go back to this what it should be: searching for facts and the truth regardless of finacial or political (or personal) interests (see my paper Climate Change - A review). I see physics as the leading science of climate research.
In the context of the above considerations, I also propose the following research problem:
Due to the progressing global warming process, the problems of ecology, pollution and environmental protection, necessary pro-ecological reforms, transformation of the energy sector through the development of renewable energy sources, ecological innovations in waste management, recycling, etc. should acquire a global, international character and should be one of the most important factors of globalization in the 21st century.
@Dariusz: yes I see these needs too. We need to change our way of life and science has an important role to do this right. However, doing things right seems to be the problem. As said in my comment above, science is missused but also ingeneering. In Germany we have a big energy change towards renewable energy. But it is not working since renewable nergy requuires energy storage in fairly large scales. No solutions so far. We need investing in sustainable science and sustainable engineering but also educate people. The way to a sustainable society will be towfold: technolgy and behaviour.