TOPSIS is an acronym that stands for 'Technique of Order Preference Similarity to the Ideal Solution' and is a pretty straightforward MCDA method. As the name implies, the method is based on finding an ideal and an anti-ideal solution and comparing the distance of each one of the alternatives to those from the best optimal solution.
Yes, there is a method using LP to determine weights, which then become objective weights, as long as there is a solution to the problem. Remember that there must be only one objective and that all criteria must be quantitative, that is, with a second term or resource
If your original problem has alternatives subject to a set of quantitative criteria, by using LP you can find simultaneously, the score for each alternative (The Primal solution) and also the 'weight' for each criterion (The Dual solution), provided that there is a feasible solution and using only one objective, and get an optimal solution.
But, as is usual, you have many objectives and a mix of quantitative and qualitative criteria, you CAN'T use LP
However, you can use SIMUS, which works iteratively with LP and that admits any mix of quantitative and qualitative criteria, with or without second term, and using no weights for criteria. The global solution will probably be not optimal but solves the problem, as any MCDM method does, that is, you will get a heuristic solution.
In any case, whatever the method, it is impossible to find an optimal solution when you have contradictory criteria such as maximize benefits and at the same time, minimize cost. You need to find an intermediate solution that satisfies IN PART, both criteria. This is called 'Compromise Solutuion', (Zeleny, 1974)
SIMUS can do that job and at the same time telling you which solution is feasible and which is not, and in case of feasibility, the degree of compliance to the stated requirements or resources
SIMUS is worldwide free and I can send you the software
Unfortunately, I don't know the two methods you mention
Dear Do Duc, and colleagues and practioners in ResearchGate
For the sake of information, I suggest to add the SIMUS methdod to your list.
It is a method that works based on a different approach from all MCDM methods, and was launched in 2011.
1- It does not use weights and/or personal assumptions, and is only based on genuine original data, and subject to the DM knowledge and opinions when he/she gets a solid result, based only on data and conditions inpossed by the problem,
It means that does not matter who the DM is; the result is always the same, however, the result can be improved by reasoning, research, and knowledge of the DM or DMs.
Because of this, every single aspect and operation of the algorithm can be mathematically explained.
This allows the DM to explain the stakeholders on what grounds she/he modified the result.
2. Its structure is adaptable to ANY architecture of the problem under study (linear or matricial), because it works with inequalities and Lineal Programming.
It allows to solve very complex problems. Some of them published in this forum, and in international journals.
There are no limits to the quantity of alternatives and criteria used. The DM just model the problem in an initial matrix, adn the method will deliver a partial or a total result, at the DM choice.
3. It can work indistinctely with binary as well as integer matrices, in any mix,
4. It can work with maximization, minimization or equalization of criterria, in ANY mix, as well as with negative and positive numbers in ANY mix,
5. SIMUS provides in its last screen not only the result of the problem, but also the degree of compliance by each alternative regarding each crterion,
6. It allows using precedence between alternatives, as well as inclusive and exclusive alternatives, in ANY mix,
7- It allows performing automatically a sensitivity analysis, based on the marginal values (costs and/or benefits), for criteria, and even draws the global utility curve of each one.
This short list gives only a hint of the power of this method, but there is something else that is worth to mention:
It is completely free world-wide, and its full software is sent to whover asks for it, including a very comprehensive and illustrated tutorial, with many real-life examples,and accessed in the first screen.
At present, and during its short life, it has been used in about 45 DIFFERENT types of application, from railways to power generation, from scheduling bridges repairs in a period, to determining the most important thermodinamical coeffcients for refrigerant in laminar condensers, from selecting environmental indexes for a country, to cities reabilitation in no-longer used facilities, etc., and in more than 34 countries.