I am interested in knowing of the practices, challenges, processes, benefits, outcomes, dynamics, etc. of those who have engaged in developing , or who have an interest in, international partnerships/networks, especially in relation to social justice/democracy/education. I am finding that there are many challenges, including language, technological synchronisation, funding, physical meetings, work distribution, groundwork in bringing people together, alignment of objectives, methods and means, dissemination of ideas, among others. However, the need and the potential for tangible, meaningful, critical work is enormous if the partnership/network can be effectively established, notably in relation to bringing into the fold disparate voices that may not be heard within the broader context in isolation. In other words, the partnership/network may value much more these local, contextualized concerns than the contrary, and the partnership/network may also be more effective in collectively moving the respective fields of study forward. Despite the factors mitigating against such work, the outcomes could lead to a much better understanding of broad, contextualized, comparative issues, research, realties, etc., and help connect the dots on such concerns as neoliberalism in education, social inequalities, and democracy in and through education. As I am working on developing such a partnership/network, I would be most interested in the insight and experiences of colleagues around the world.