As far as I think there are several main hindrances and hurdles that Saudi EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners face in learning English language skills in the English intensive program at the preparatory year program. Some of these challenges include:

1. Limited exposure to English: Many Saudi EFL learners have limited exposure to the English language outside of the classroom, which can make it difficult for them to practice and improve their language skills.

2. Lack of motivation: Some students may lack the motivation to learn English, either because they do not see the value in it or because they find the language challenging.

3. Differences in language structure: Arabic and English have different language structures, which can make it challenging for Saudi EFL learners to understand and use English grammar and syntax correctly.

4. Pronunciation difficulties: English pronunciation can be difficult for non-native speakers, and Saudi EFL learners may struggle to accurately pronounce English words and sounds.

5. Cultural differences: Cultural differences between Saudi Arabia and English-speaking countries may impact the way Saudi EFL learners approach and understand the English language.

6. Lack of resources: Some Saudi EFL learners may not have access to the resources or materials needed to effectively learn and practice English language skills.

7. Limited opportunities for speaking practice: English language skills, especially speaking, require regular practice. Saudi EFL learners may not have enough opportunities to speak English outside of the classroom, which can hinder their language development.

However, these hindrances and hurdles can make it challenging for Saudi EFL learners to effectively learn and improve their English language skills in the English intensive program at the preparatory year program.

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