Tauc plot and equation are conventionally used for obtaining the band gap data of nanostructures. Whether there are any other data that can be obtained from band gap measurement or Tauc equation?
Information due to energy type absorption as well as the value of the energy gap of semiconductors will be obtained from the tauc plot. It applies as it is for nanoscale size semiconductors including nanopartIckes. For nanosize semiconductors the energy gap increas with the decrease in Size in the nanoscale range
for mor information I recommend to see the following power point presentation
"Solid Surface and Nanoscale materials Structure" M. S. Omar Presentation · July 2016 with 156 Reads DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31947.59684 Charmo, University of Charmo, University of Salahaddin, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.31947.59684
You can obtain the optical band gap if you have a clear absorption edge in addition to the stepness parameter "slope" that take higher value with decreasing defect or impurities concentration.
Taue plot directly find the band gap of material but it will be depend on tjhe absorption (sharp absorption edge in addition to the stepness parameter "tangential slope of curve to find Eg" ) spectra of material, if more than two boserption spectra the band gap varied these rang.
I want to know about the information that we get by knowing the bandgap of a nano material. Which are the properties of the material that can be correlated to the bandgap?
Yes, you can also calculate other parameters like Urbach energy, film density and refractive index from your UV-visible absorbance data, equations are not exactly tauc but different. Read the attached article.
Article Structural, optical and light scattering properties of post ...
Thank you so much for your valuable answer... I like to know what are the information which can be elucidated from bandgap determined from tauc equation for colloidal nanoparticles..