The harmful effects of nitrate on public health include:
1. Methemoglobinemia. Nitrate causes methemoglobinemia in infants.
2. Cancer. Nitrate is converted to nitrite after ingestion, and this nitrite reacts with both natural and synthetic organic compounds to produce N-Nitroso compounds in the human stomach.
3. Disruption of thyroid function. High nitrate content results to increase in hypertrophy, a condition marked by enlargement of the thyroid, the gland responsible for many of the body's endocrine and hormonal functions (Van Maanen, et al. 1994).
4. Birth Defects. Previous Scientific studies point to a possible link between exposure to nitrite, nitrate and N-Nitroso compounds and birth defects. Y
It is very well known that concentrations higher than 10 mg of nitrate/litre drinking water may induce methemoglobinaemia, especially in infants who are particular sensitive as they may receive a very dosage as compared with their body weight. An increased risk of favouring cancer is still controversial. The most important source of nitrates in the human diet (European) are vegetables (about 80%), particularly leafy greens like lettuce and spinach, and processed meat products (about 5%).