Hi, Navjyoti, This is a very interesting quetion, indeed! There are a lot of factors whch may affetc such numbers. Among physiological one can consider minerak niútrrient balance during flowering and during silique maturation, you can increase a number of siliques by adding additinal nutrients during flowering, Amohg genetic factors alteration in the horminal balance is the most important. So, any genes involve in tze regulation of the local hormone distribution have a primary importance in the regulation of the silique number.
Check this paper: Hensel LL, Nelson MA, Richmond TA, Bleecker AB. The fate of inflorescence meristems is controlled by developing fruits in Arabidopsis. Plant Phys 1994 vol. 106 (3) pp. 863-76
The alterative to these suggestions is that you might be looking at a meiotic mutant, under these circumstances you get tie reduced sliques iwht no seeds in , or some mutants we find that they have.a reduced number of seeds present and that leads to accompanying reduced silque length.
J.K. Ward and B.R. Strain, "Effects of low and elevated CO2 partial pressures on growth and reproduction of Arabidopsis thaliana from different elevation", Plant, Cell and Environment, 1997, vol 20, pp. 254-260