Currently, the use of ICT, both by the government and society, has gained renewed importance in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. In most countries, digital tools and practices have become indispensable for mitigating the measures adopted to manage, monitor and combat the spread of this disease. Such measures created a unique context in which 1 in 6 people in the world was in social isolation. The result was a set of rapid and profound social changes that forced the replacement of many normal day-to-day practices with digital practices. Among these, Telework and e-Learning are outstanding. Nevertheless, the use of digital media has become the “new normal” for things as simple as communicating with family, ordering food or even going to a museum, a concert or to the disco with friends. At the governmental level, these changes may have contributed to accelerating the conditions for reaching new stages of digital transformation. However, such changes took place in a few months and it is still necessary to understand and assess what kind of transformation they may represent in the future.

I leave two questions (but of course there are many others): Can telework realize its full potential that was attributed to it since the 1970s? What can/is changing in terms of digital government and the relationship between state and citizens?

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