The three most common types of employee surveys include employee opinion and satisfaction surveys, employee culture surveys, and employee engagement surveys. Employee opinion and satisfaction surveys measure employee views, attitudes and perceptions of their organization (also known as "climate surveys")
I do not have a specific survey to recommend, but I have a caution for whatever survey you finally use. That is, a survey or any other measurement instrument is validated only for a particular population, not validated for all populations. Therefore, first find one that whose validation sample is similar to your sample. Second, build in checks of validity and reliability to confirm the survey is valid for your sample.
Anand Kataria - The website titled, "Managing Employee Surveys" is recommended. At the end of the website there are examples of surveys, but you need to be a member. Good luck
Merga Hailemariam : Have a query further, on most of the researches done, i find mostly related to Job satisfaction. didn't found anything specific to org satisfaction of an employee. can you recommend me any specific study done related to org satisfaction of an employee ?