What are the differences between a Unified Word and its concepts (1 of more than 50)?


First Scientific Press Release (1 of more than 50)

15 December 2023

First Book of a 5-Volume Book

Introduction to Unified Word

Words vs. Concepts (word masks)

Many differences exist between a word and its concepts (Word's Masks). We will illustrate more than 50 columns on these differences. We are presenting only a few differences here.

First, We have a new word classification:

(1) Enduring Business Themes (EBTs) that are enduring, stable, unified, continuous, and ultimate goals, each has a rule of conduct and essential discoveries words—for Example, Friendship, Love, Marriage, Thinking, Retaliation, and others.

(2) Business Objects (BOs) that are Stable internally and adaptable externally; each has a beginning and end, each has an ultimate goal that can be positive or negative, and each has a rule of conduct moderate level) and unknown to all. -- Unfortunately, many people don't know them.

Words. We add "Any" to each BO. For example -- Any Project, Any Proposal, Any Culture, Any Data, any others

(3) Industrial Objects (IOs) or Application Objects (AOs) are tangible and changeable. Unfortunately, I am currently building and developing everything based on them. (Disasters), Well-known to most people, Have no value -- The strange thing is people say I love my car or smoking; some have side effects or high impacts on society, such as Oil, Drugs, and other concepts—for example, Specific Novels, Conference Tables, Mac Book, etc.

Concepts of BOs.

(4) EBTs + BOs = Core Knowledge. Our focus is on EBTs, BOs, and Core Knowledge words.

Second: Any word has many concepts (word's masks). Each word has different concepts based on your education, background, beliefs, agenda, culture, etc.

Third: Any word is stable, and a concept is unstable over time.

Fourth: Any word is unified (Innovation and not known), and a concept is not. For example, any "Account" as a word, bank account, email account, investment account, or others with different data and knowledge can be unified as "an account" with more than 50 innovative keys. Each professional in the various account concepts knows an account's innovative (Creative) keys.

Fifth: Therefore, any word is stable, unified, and ultimate, and the Concepts of a word are changeable over time.

Unfortunately, all your knowledge you know is the concepts of the word "word's masks,"

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