Globalisation, social and technological change, all lead to inevitable management issues. How do businesses thrive and what are these recent key issues affecting organisations?
You might find some elements in the publications listed below. These are strategic foresight studies, but they are a good means to describe the current developements of the factors you cite :
Article Will technology improve health and safety at work
Conference Paper Regulating the OSH impact on online platform economy (OSHA S...
Book Preview: Platformisation 2027
Book Modes and methods of production in France in 2040
Conference Paper (Strategic) Foresight: an help for decision making tomorrow…...
A major issue in today's knowledge-abundant economy with each firm using ample differently specialized experts who have to trust each other, their bosses, and subordinates to share know-how and phronesis (Greek for practical wisdom) and achieve successful cooperation. Leaders can nurture these if they are vulnerably involved in their deliberations but for this they have to jeopardize authority, which they often defensively avoid. See my recent book in the attachment.
Michel Héry In my opinion, I thought technology can hinder employee health and wellbeing due to the changing nature of work. Thanks for the article. It was a good read and a mind opener.
I see the situation not tripolar tri-polar, “customer-business-society” but quarteri-polar, “customer-business-technology-society.” The problems are complex.