Absence of women in e-entrepreneurship/e-business is due to the risks posed by digital threats, women's access to ICTs is constrained by factors that go beyond issues of technological infrastructure . Many a time women entrepreneurs are reluctant to use social networking site as a tool in their work; privacy remains a cross-cutting element in limiting the capacity of women to participate on equal terms with men.Furthermore,there are invisible barriers limit women's and girls' participation in the digital literacy.
Technophobia and absence of digital literacy could be one of the major factors.
Very much interesting project. I wanna replicate it in my country.... its rare in my country to find semi-literate women men using e-services to market their their business. =
Women entrepreneurs should be active participants in the use of technology and structured leadership for their team, thereby enabling others to build individual career plans and maintain skill levels in a rapidly changing environment.
The following conference can enlighten such members
Notably, digitalization has created a number of opportunities for female empowerment and for an effective participation in various financial domains. However, current gender inequalities may prevent women from reaping the advantages offered by the opportunities provided by digital literacy. As such, it appears that there is an immediate need for certain global policies empowering women entrepreneurs to make the best of the merits which the digital world offers. These policies should pave the way for such needs as global, affordable, secure and broadband internet access, female digital literacy, more women involvement in business activities, web-based female entrepreneurship, and most importantly, free and open training programs for empowering women through innovative digital finance tools and e-government.