The best way for measuring students' achievements has long been the use of quizzes and tests. Traditionally, such techniques tend to estimate the learners' degree of recognition and understanding of the subject matter. However, the modern aspects of evaluation and measurement tend to focus on learners' doing by observing if they are able to apply what they have learned in the class in real life situations. In point of fact, problem solving task assignments using teamwork arrangements can be a better way of measuring students' achievements.
Considero que la mejor manera es escucharles con argumentos y criterio, como hacerle frente a sus problematicas locales. El conocimiento aplicado en sus realidades es satisfactorio
2) Quantity and quality of participation in classroom's discussions.
3) Ability to cooperate peers,
4) To apply what is learned,
5) To raise "irritating" questions, that is, questions whose answer advances knowledge and leads us to a better knowledge of the unkown. By its very nature, irritating questions go against the status quo and the mainstream.
6) To come to a point at which students can dispence with theis professors,
Exams and quizzes in general assess short term memory recollection. The best way to evaluate student understanding is to see if they can apply the concepts in real life situations, explain to someone else (teach), recognize the principle in a different context, etc. You may want to refer to Bloom's work. However, this is easily said than done though, that's why people stick to exams and quizzes which are easy to crate and administer.
Depends if you are talking about academic achievement or other valued achievements. What about a student's wellbeing? Their pro-social behaviour? Their sporting achievements? Although they are often correlated, I encourage you to look beyond the academic scale. A multidimensional but brief measure of adolescent wellbeing I recommend is the EPOCH scale. Hope this helps.
Kern, M. L., Benson, L., Steinberg, E. A., & Steinberg, L. (2016). The EPOCH measure of adolescent well-being. Psychological Assessment, 28(5), 586.
The measure of students' achievements is based on your definition of achievement. I suggest you make a rubrics indicating the criteria for achievement and level of measurement for each criterion.
Achievement should be best assessed through the learning goals. Depending on what learning goals you have the students can be judged as to see whether they have achieved them or not. Here the revised Bloom's taxonomy should be taken in mind and learning goals can be framed accordingly.
In regard to the ways of assessment again that assessment tools should be used that assess students lower to higher cognitive abilities not just student memorization. Thus assessment on the guidelines of revised Bloom taxonomy will be best.