I am interested to study the presence and quantity of microplastic in soil as well as water samples in a specified area. Could anyone suggest me the convenient techniqu/s to extract them from the soil/ water environment? Thanks !!!
Thanks for your interest. Here is the method to determine the occurrence and abundance of microplastic in the water samples;
>>Surface water samples are collected using a 5.7 L calibrated steel sampler. Samples are passed through 20 μm serial filtration net (length: 55 cm; length and wide mouth: 30 × 30 cm) to trap microplastic. The process is done in 50 replicates.
>> Debris in the cod-end of the net is transferred to a 250 mL acid treated glass bottle, refrigerated at 4 °C and returned to the laboratory for further examination.
Characterisation of microplastic is carried out based on their physical properties such as colour, shape, and density. Samples is screened and large debris (>5 mm) is discarded though 200 μm mesh sieve (Khalik et al. 2018).
Khalik et al. 2018. Microplastics analysis in Malaysian marine waters: A field study of Kuala Nerus and Kuantan." Marine pollution bulletin 135 (2018): 451-457.
mainly, activated carbon is widely used in removing the micropollutants from water, advanced oxidation processes are one of the newest technologies in this field