Traditionally, the lecture method and its associated techniques are used by the majority of the teachers teaching linguistics. However, this can be complemented by using a Socratic method after the lecture is finished, by asking a series of questions based on the topic of the day, teachers check the students' answers based on the notes they have taken.
Thanks Mr. Reza for responding to this linguistic discussion. What I am after is developing the classical methods utilized in lecturing students on linguistics.
Linguistics is a basic subject to reach an adequate communicative competence However it doesn´t mean we, as teachers, have to be boring and strict to the books of grammar rules. From time to time we have to change our activities, I suggest you to use lyrics of songs to drill grammar or getting comprehension in the texts. I can assure you it will work prefectly in your class and will arise the motivation in your students. Me, myself I am making a multimedia to meet a goal very similar to yours. I you wish we can talk about this or just make a project between us just to make it international. what do you think?
Linguistics is a science, it differs from language which is a set of skills . I think that Lecturing supported by tasks and projects is the best way to teach linguistics.