The more sets, repetitions, and weights, the more the body secretes male hormones and growth hormones (see How to Increase Muscles in the Body).
But you must know that exercising only 8-15 repetitions for long periods leads to the body getting used to it. Therefore, you should exercise in reps from 1 to 3 with heavy weights once or twice a week. The most appropriate training methods for professionals are as follows: (2 days of strength exercises and 3 days of mass exercises per week) or (1 day of strength exercises and 2 days of mass exercises per week).
It should also be known that when performing short-term muscle exercises such as the abdomen, forearm, and calves, the number of repetitions must exceed 12, so that the muscle can last a long period of time under tension.
Exercising at high repetitions also has several benefits. Many bodybuilders exercise in this manner for a week, every 4-5 weeks, with the aim of resting the joints and tendons. There are also many professionals who exercise at repetitions higher than 12 to avoid injury due to heavy weights.