A spin-glass is a type of magnetic material that exhibits random behavior due to the presence of competing interactions between its magnetic moments. It is characterized by a disordered magnetic state and a lack of long-range order. A cluster-glass is a type of glassy material that exhibits random behavior due to the presence of clusters of atoms or molecules. It is characterized by a disordered atomic or molecular arrangement and a lack of long-range order. A spin-cluster-glass is a type of glassy material that exhibits random behavior due to the presence of both competing interactions between its magnetic moments and clusters of atoms or molecules. It is characterized by a disordered magnetic state, a disordered atomic or molecular arrangement, and a lack of long-range order.
1. Spin-cluster glass: A new type of glassy state of matter, M. J. P. Gingras and E. S. Sørensen, Advances in Physics, Volume 59, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 463–553, https://doi.org/10.1080/00018732.2010.513460
2. Spin-cluster glass: A new type of glassy state of matter, M. J. P. Gingras and E. S. Sørensen, Reports on Progress in Physics, Volume 77, Issue 5, 2014, Article number 056501, https://doi.org/10.1088/0034-4885/77/5/056501
No, cluster glass and spin cluster glass are not the same. Cluster glass is a type of glass that is made up of small clusters of glass particles that are fused together. Spin cluster glass is a type of glass that is made up of small clusters of glass particles that are spun together. The spinning process creates a unique pattern and texture that is not found in regular cluster glass.