09 September 2013 4 3K Report

Question about trends in income inequality in the US. The US Census Bureau recently posted the 2012 ACS data, including data on income and poverty. Here is a simple table and a few charts


This shows income inequality has increased continuously over the time period which is covered by the data, 1967 to 2012.

A report from the Census Bureau


talk about the decrease in higher paying jobs for people with lower education or training, and the increase in jobs needing higher education. That would make sense if the top 40% or top 60% of wage earners earned an increasing share of income, but the data show that only the top 20% of people earned the increasing share of wages. Everyone else, 80% of households, is getting less and less share of the income.

So is it simple change in job characteristics or is there something else going on?

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