It seems promising. Whether the ≥ 20% improvement of signs and symptoms versus placebo, which was the principal criteria for the FDA approval of secukinumab for psoriatic arthritis, is enough good for the patient remains to be seen in each single case. Since psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are heterogenous diseases maybe in such cases different biologics should be combined.
I have given it to a patient who failed 3 anti-TNF's and ewas walking with crutches. After 2 shots of Sekukinumab she felt much better and dropped the crutches
Cosentyx (sekukinumab) is already FDA-approved, so why not try it? There is only one way to find out if this new agent is going to work on any given individual patient, and that is to try it. The other option is oral apremilast, or Otezla,
Gentile Catina, il farmaco è prescrivibile e rimborsabile da meno di un mese ed ho prescritto ad un paziente che aveva fallito antiTNF e antiIL23....i risultati dobbiamo verificarli sul campo perchè i dati registrativi minimi richiesti sono troppo poco indicativi di una effettiva risposta sul paziente della "real-life". Lo stesso vale per apremilast a somministrazione orale. Sono già in corso di studio altri farmaci biologici per le spondiloartriti...vedremo se sarà possibile migliorare i nostri outcomes.
Dear dr. Gonzalez and dr. Semeraro, thanks for your kind answers. Yes I'll try sekukinumab the next September and see what will happen. In any case, I'll let you know about my response to the treatment. Please, keep me informed if you have good responses from your patients. Have both a nice day, Catina