Article Checklist Proformas to Guide and Document the Assessment of ...
Excess deaths occur when the capacity to deliver critical care to patients with Covid-19 is exceeded (i.e. those who require organ support do not receive it). This is happening around the world now. The media has sensationalised discussions on numbers of ventilators and the availability of ICU beds. Unfortunately, the capacity to deliver healthcare is in fact most limited by human resources. Furthermore those healthcare professionals on the frontline are at greatest risk of contracting the virus.
To improve patient outcomes during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic; the capacity of healthcare systems to prevent, detect and treat acute respiratory illnesses must be increased. This requires an increase in the number of staff who can do this. The fundamental question is: how can this be achieved now?
Online educational materials have been developed to train healthcare professionals in the basic principles of intensive care. However, this does not help people at the bedside faced with a crashing patient. I believe that familiarisation of staff with the use of systematic checklist proformas for the assessment of critically ill patients (see review above) can increase the capacity of healthcare systems to deliver critical care.
Does anyone have any other ideas? Please share them.
Thank you.