01 January 1970 4 5K Report

I believe while doing research about depression we are doing a huge mistake. We often use screening tools for depression, such a self-reported scale (e.g. EURO-D), and those who are at risk are often called "depressed".

Being at high risk for depression does not mean being depressed.

I often read about incredibly high prevalence of depression in many studies, but then in the methods I see a screening tool was used to measure depressive symptoms.

Depression is not diagnosed in such a way.

Diagnosis of depression can be done only in a clinical setting.

While using scale for screening, we need to talk about "individuals at high risk for depression" or individuals with "high level of depressive symptoms".

It is like if we would refer to those with low tolerance to glucose as diabetic after asking them the value of glucose last time they made a blood test. Actually, this would be even more accurate.

What is your idea?

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