10 October 2017 9 692 Report

I am currently decomposing a signal using the discrete wavelet transformation and the 'wavedec' function. Say that I wish to get the detail coefficients for 7 levels. I expect that for each following subband, for the coefficients, it gets down sampled by a factor of 2, hence a subsequent subband is represented by only half the amount of samples.

Say I have

data = ones(1,1024);

levels = 7;

[C L] = wavedec(data,levels,'db1');

for i=1:levels

   coefD{i} = detcoef(C,L,i);


Then the length of the vectors in 'coefD' will be as I expect it, downsampled by factor 2, (512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8)

But if I use another Daubechies wavelet, say 'db4', the the lengths of the subband vectors will be 515, 261, 134, 70, 38, 22, 14

why the length of the subband vector are not equal with different Daubechies wavelets?

 I need the the wavelet coefficients length equal the orignal signal length. pl help me how do that

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