I am reading about Neanderthals, and also happened to go over the migration of Native Americans to the American continent. The ice age that lowered the sea level by 400 feet and allowed that migration. Was there any similar land bridge events before that?

If so, and the Neanderthals were active well before "modern humans", would they have migrated to the America's before? Say 40,000 years ago or 80,000 or 120,000, or 200,000+?

It is hard to search because all anyone on the web wants to talk about is the last ice age. "Our" ice age.

I am not being facetious. This question seemed interesting enough to share. I could just add it to my personal list of thousands of such questions. But ResearchGate is maturing and growing every day. It ought to be a collaborative site.

Could Neanderthals could have crossed during the last 250,000 years?

I found this page at https://www.e-education.psu.edu/earth107/node/1506 where its says "last 20,000 years" but, thankfully, the chart of sea level goes back 140,000 years. At least it was narrower. Would it have frozen over? Could it have ice intermittently (ice islands, ice sheets, frozen areas)?

This is not something I know about that well. But it seems to me there have been many periods where humans (our humans) paddled and made their way across waters. And where ice might make a difference. Or maybe Neanderthals, so well adapted for cold, just loved to paddle long distance through the ice. The Bering Strait varies in depth from 100 to 165 feet (today). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bering_Strait

So where might such adventurers have wanted to live in their new continent? Probably caves? Probably Alaska? I don't know. I am not ever sure how to go about it. So I am asking this large and thoughtful group, if anyone has some ideas?

I just ordered all the Jean Auel books again. I have not read them in a long time. Her Neanderthals were a bit hidebound and brutish. (Pardon me, Jean). But Bruniquel Cave is about 176,500 years ago. And they had fire, organization, tents, strength and purpose. If they were smart enough to build a shelter inside a cave, it seems they knew how to stay warm and comfortable.

Early Neanderthal constructions deep in Bruniquel Cave in southwestern France


I don't know. I think it could be important. I think it could be fun.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation


I searched "Neanderthals in North America" and came up with this page, but it requires registration or pay.


Humans Lived in North America 130,000 Years Ago, Study Claims at https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/26/science/prehistoric-humans-north-america-california-nature-study.html

Five Breakthrough Signs of Early Peoples in the Americas at https://www.sapiens.org/column/field-trips/earliest-people-north-america/

This is so confusing. But 130,000 years ago in California sounds about right. That is 46,500 years after Bruniquel. I once walked 2700 miles when I got my first Fitbit. Over a long time, but steady, 10-20 miles a day. If people could go, so would other species (reindeer, elk, moose, bear, sloths, mammoths, birds, etc etc etc. Plants?).


Ice Age Footprints | Full Episode | NOVA | PBS (23,000 Humans) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS7ChlsZsGI

Evidence of humans in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum at Article Evidence of humans in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum


Ancient human genome sequence of an extinct Palaeo-Eskimo at https://www.nature.com/articles/nature08835 5500 years ago to "New World"

Neanderthal Life No Tougher than That of "Modern" Inuits at https://www.newswise.com/articles/neanderthal-life-no-tougher-than-that-of-modern-inuits

The Neanderthal: A new look at an old face at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0047248486800422

Inuit people have the same 'caveman genes' that helped an extinct type of human survive the last Ice Age at https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4052228

("Inuit" OR "eskimo") ("neanderthal") has 2.07 Million entry points (3 Jun 2022 Google)

Denisovan DNA at https://www.archaeology.org/issues/60-1301/trenches/311-hominin-neanderthals-humans-siberia "Native Americans and people from East Asia have more Neanderthal DNA, on average, than Europeans"

Upward Sun River "Sunrise Girl-Child" at https://www.seeker.com/history/ancient-infant-dna-sheds-light-on-native-american-ancestors

There is a lot going on. But it is scattered over many sites, publishers, groups, individuals, styles and methods.

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