Hello every body, I am working on ANFIS system. When I want to evaluate the ANFIS i got this error Warning: Some input values are outside of the specified input range. In evalfis at 75.
Hi, you could perform the following tasks to deal with this problem:
1- normalize dataset by dividing on the maximum value of each input.
2- on fuzzy GUI, choose the smallest and largest membership functions as "Z" and "S", respectively, instead of for example Gaussian mfs.
3- you could also completely ignore this error, especially in the cases that you try to optimize the parameters of membership function. you could do this by writing "warning off" on command window.
4- export the FIS file to drive, and try to open edit by Matlab editor, for example
open myfile.fis
and manually change the upper and lower bounds for input and output membership functions.
It is because of your program. Your definition in the program for train, validation, and test is wrong. You must find a mistake in your program. If you define train, validation and test true, the program does not return this "Warning" to you.