# Polymer chain simulation with FENE and LJ potential in NVT ensemble
# Initialization
units lj # Use LJ units
atom_style bond # Atoms and bonds
boundary p p p # Periodic boundary conditions in all directions
# Simulation settings
timestep 0.0005 # Timestep size
dimension 3 # 3D simulation
neighbor 0.3 bin # Neighbor list
neigh_modify delay 5 # Modify neighbor list
# Create polymer chain
read_data polymer.data # Load initial polymer chain configuration
# Define potential
pair_style lj/cut 2.5 # Lennard-Jones potential with cutoff 2.5
pair_coeff * * 1.0 1.0 2.5 # Coefficients for all atoms: epsilon, sigma, cutoff
bond_style fene # FENE potential for bonds
bond_coeff 1 30.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 # Coefficients for bonds: K, R0, epsilon, sigma
# Define group for polymer chain
group polymer type 1
# Define compute for center of mass and radius of gyration
# Define compute for center of mass and radius of gyration
compute com polymer com # Compute center of mass
compute gyr polymer gyration # Compute radius of gyration
# Define thermo output
thermo_style custom step temp etotal press c_com[1] c_com[2] c_com[3] c_gyr[1] # Custom output format
thermo 100 # Output thermo information every 100 timesteps
# Output files for center of mass and radius of gyration
fix output_com polymer ave/time 100 1 100 c_com[1] c_com[2] c_com[3] file com.dat
fix output_gyr polymer ave/time 100 1 100 c_gyr[1] file gyration.dat
# Integrator settings
fix nvt polymer nvt temp 1.0 1.0 100.0 # NVT ensemble with temperature control
# Run the simulation
run 10000 # Run the simulation for 10000 timesteps
what is the potential cause for the error,here im attaching the input data file