I have 5 time series. Three of them are I(1) but became I(0) that is after first difference, while the other two are I(2) stationary after 2nd difference. I need to find relation between them. I will use Information Criteria to decide lag length.
Should I use VAR or VECM to find relation between them?
Will VAR or VECM give me relation in terms of equation which can be used for forecasting?
Do I need to perform Johansen's test of cointegration?
What good would it do?
Are there any suggestions or remedies to my questions?
You can see Stock, J. H., and Watson, M. W., 1993, A Simple Estimator of Cointegrating Vectors in Higher Order Integrated Systems,Econometrica 61,783-820.
To the best of my knowledge, we go for Toda-Yamamoto in case of I(2). If you have all I(0), you go for OLS, all I(1) with cointegration go for VECM, all I(1) without cointegration, go for VAR, mix I(0) & I(1), go for ARDL. But for a mix of I(1) and I(2), none of above methods can be used. If you some of the series I(2), if would like to recommend using a different proxy of your variables such as for economic growth we can use gdp growth, gdp growth per capital, gdp current US$, gdp PPP and others. Try using different proxies of variables that are I(2). If, however, you do not have different proxies of your variables, try using transformation of your variables such as log transformation or ratio transformation, then try unit root again.
I to recommend for transformation of data log, log difference and ratio as suggested by Muhammad and Ibrahim. Moreover, you can try different combinations of variables in your estimation equation.
I agree with the submissions of both Muhammad, Ibrahim and Vijay, especially on the issue of trying other proxies for the variables with I(2). But, in doing that, examine the appropriateness carefully. If not, go for data transformation either by log or ratio. This again, has to be done with understanding of its operations.