01 January 1970 6 9K Report

Hi ,

I modified a valid and reliable instrument used by other researchers by adding sections to fit in my study.

The original one yielded two factors : USE and SKILL (Researchers reported them); however, they used different scales for each factor . For Factor 1, the scale ranged from Never till several times a day (6 scales) that showed frequency the respondent used that factor . As for the second factor, a scale from 1 till 7 was used to measure skills [ (1 (beginner)    7 (Expert)).

I added part 3: where respondents have to report on their attitude towards their behavior. (students have to check their preferences). I took these items from another research study.

My question is will it be a problem if I try to group factors based on review of literature? Can I do factor analysis if I have different parts but each part has a different subscale?


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