Hello everyone,
I have a question regarding a Within-Subjects analysis:
I have two IV (Time and Number Conditions) and one DV (a continuous variable).
There are 6 Time conditions, which depend on the Time to Complete the task
There are 3 Number conditions that refer to the number of elements used
The 30 participants performed all the combinations, except three of them (did not make sense in my scenario). They did not perform the following Time X Number conditions: 1X3; 5X1 and 6X1
What I want with this test is to obtain the following comparisons:
- Within each Time Condition, check for differences in Number conditions
- For each Number condition, check for differences in time condition (in particular, I want to know when does performance start to deteriorate significantly).
My first thoughts were to perform one-way repeated measures ANOVA (or Friedman due to normality violation) within each time condition; and then within each number condition (Followed by post-hocs).
However, I found that I could analyze these two variables together with the two-way repeated measures ANOVA. I performed this analysis in SPSS using the General Linear Model -> Repeated Measures menu. Yet, I found the following problems:
- I have a few combinations that don't exist (for example Time 1 X Number 3); If I use empty values, I get no results for all the analysis... but I have to insert one variable in order to proceed with the analysis. What should I do?
- When checking for normality, almost all TimeXNumber conditions violate the assumption. I have read that normality is not that strict in this test, but some of the conditions show Sig results of ,000 and almost all of them are below ,050. Should I go for a non-parametric alternative?
Is it OK to use the one-way version and analyze each of the variables separately or should I do the two-way analysis? How should I overcome the problems referred above? Should I consider a different test?
I hope I have provided enough details.
Thanks in advance,