Hi, everyone. I have some issues with THP-1 cell culture. I have little experience in cell culture and I hope some of you could share some experiences in culturing this type of cell.

I'm currently trying to grow non-differentiated THP-1 cells for MTT experiments. The chosen media is composed of RPMI-1640, glutamine, antibiotics, sodium bicarbonate and FBS (10%). These cells either don't grow enough or die over the weeks. So here are my questions:

1 - Should I replace the old media with a new one, or just add the new media to the old media? I've had success in the past by just adding new media to the flasks, but for some reason, it stopped working over time.

2 - How many times should I submit these cells to centrifugation? In order to dispose of the old media and add a new one, I need to submit the suspended cells to centrifugation. But in my experience, this process ends damaging cell structure of some of the cells and leaves cell fragments, which could be detrimental to the culture. I'm currently submitting them to 1200RPM, during 7 minutes at 4ºC, once a week.

3 - Is it normal for these cells to form clusters/clumps?

4 - Should I leave the culture flasks standing on a vertical position? I've seen some people recommending to leave the initial, post thaw, T-25 flasks on a vertical position instead of in a horizontal position. The reasoning behind this is to increase direct contact between cells in a smaller space, as these cells are dependant on each other to grow.

5 - At which confluence should I replace the T-25 flask with a T-75 one?

6 - Should I use 20% FBS for initial growth instead of 10%?

7 - Feel free to write any other tips you consider crucial while dealing with these cells, I really appreciate the help.

Thanks in advance!

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